gene martinの例文


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  1. Gen . Gene Martin LaCoste, commander of the Army Safety Center at Fort Rucker, Ala.
  2. The creation of Soledad High School was spearheaded by Gene Martin, SUSD Superintendent 1994-2003.
  3. Football, soccer, and track & field all hold home games / meets in Gene Martin Stadium.
  4. Peace Corps veteran Gene Martin II says : " I really like the fact that this church gets outside the walls and is willing to think outside the box.
  5. At the Soledad High School main entrance is a statue dedicated to Gene Martin in honor of his " commitment, master financing, vision, foresight and planning ."


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  11. "gene marks"の例文
  12. "gene marshall"の例文
  13. "gene martynec"の例文
  14. "gene masking"の例文

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