- Generativist theories refer to Universal Grammar being innate where language experience activates innate knowledge.
- They include the generativist theory, social interactionist theory, usage-based theory ( Skinner ).
- Also, it has been argued that the distinction is often used exclude real data that is, in the words of William Labov " inconvenient to handle " within generativist theory.
- As a critic of Weinreich's original proposal, he approached the concept as a generativist, putting forth a series of rules that could generate any possible output reflected in the diversity and variability of sociologically conditioned linguistic variables.
- I have proven " ad nauseam " how ill informed and uncomprehending he is at Talk : Russian phonology, Talk : Diasystem, and Talk : Diaphone . ( To mention just a few examples : for Russian phonology, during five years he confused a source's claim about " word roots " as being a claim about " words "; he uses multiple spellings for the names of his own sources; he has twice inserted Russian language examples while misstating their grammatical case or mistranslating them, gaffes which drew swift corrections by native speakers; and once when he addressed the history of linguistics, he characterized a diehard opponent of generative grammar, Trager, as an " early generativist ", which is like confusing Robert E . Lee and Ulysses S . Grant . " Just two weeks ago " in Russian phonology, he mistranslated a phrase meaning'( away ) from friends, from among friends, on account of friends', as'( together ) with friends'( a confusion of genitive plural with instrumental plural ).