

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. As of 2016, Gestigon is developing augmented reality and automotive solutions for Audi, Renault and Volkswagen.
  2. Gestigon has partnered with several companies that develop hardware solutions, especially depth sensors, to provide sensing solutions.
  3. In 2015 Gestigon partnered with Inuitive, a 3D computer vision and image processors developer, to create a VR unit.
  4. In January 2013, Gestigon participated at CES in Las Vegas and, later that year, also at TechCrunch Disrupt in New York City.
  5. Gestigon launched its Virtual Reality solution Carnival at the TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco in September 2015 using an Oculus Rift and different depth sensors.


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  10. "gestion"の例文
  11. "gestido"の例文
  12. "gestifute"の例文
  13. "gestin"の例文
  14. "gestinanna"の例文

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