

  1. His countless unilateral attempts to move articles away from German loanwords like Sprachraum to dubious or clumsy terms like [ http : / / en . wikipedia . org / w / index . php ? title = Talk : Sprachraum & diff = next & oldid = 96215899 " Glottosphere " have been reverted by the community nearly every time-as was his attempt to establish a Dutch term on English Wikipedia that is " associated with the extreme right . " [ http : / / en . wikipedia . org / w / index . php ? title = Talk % 3AGreater _ Netherlands & diff = 121283207 & oldid = 119265773.


  1. "glottolog"の例文
  2. "glottologist"の例文
  3. "glottology"の例文
  4. "glottonym"の例文
  5. "glottonyms"の例文
  6. "glotz"の例文
  7. "glotzbach"の例文
  8. "glou"の例文
  9. "gloucester"の例文
  10. "gloucester 1"の例文
  11. "glottonym"の例文
  12. "glottonyms"の例文
  13. "glotz"の例文
  14. "glotzbach"の例文

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