

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Grantees are encouraged to be entrepreneurial and innovative in their research.
  2. These grantees became known as " soldier settlers ".
  3. He was one of the first land grantees of the township.
  4. In 1962 he was a Yale-Norfolk Summer School Grantee.
  5. Many of his students and grantees became leaders in the region.


  1. "granted me"の例文
  2. "granted number"の例文
  3. "granted patent"の例文
  4. "granted that"の例文
  5. "grantee"の例文
  6. "granter"の例文
  7. "granters"の例文
  8. "granteth"の例文
  9. "granth"の例文
  10. "granth sahib"の例文
  11. "granted that"の例文
  12. "grantee"の例文
  13. "granter"の例文
  14. "granters"の例文

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