grave sinの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Alfred admits to several grave sins, including sacrilege and adultery.
  2. You who brought one large stone, committed a grave sin.
  3. For a Catholic, there's no graver sin than suicide.
  4. This is a graver sin than any other in the Torah ".
  5. Yes, there are many others who have committed graver sins against Wikipedia.


  1. "grave robbing"の例文
  2. "grave rubbing"の例文
  3. "grave secrets"の例文
  4. "grave shift"の例文
  5. "grave sight"の例文
  6. "grave site"の例文
  7. "grave sites"の例文
  8. "grave situation"の例文
  9. "grave space"の例文
  10. "grave stele"の例文
  11. "grave shift"の例文
  12. "grave sight"の例文
  13. "grave site"の例文
  14. "grave sites"の例文

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