green schools campaignの例文


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  1. In 2011, PenjanaBebas in partnership with KeTTHA launched Green Schools Campaign 2, expanding the number of participating schools by 30.
  2. Green Schools Campaign Phase 3 was announced in March 2014 and will see an additional 100 schools nationwide joining the existing 38 schools.
  3. The Campaign also provides learning materials, organises programmes and established a Green Schools Campaign Project Club for the participating schools to encourage students, parents and teachers to be advocates of renewable energy.
  4. Malakoff Corporation Berhad, a member of PenjanaBebas, expanded the number of schools under the umbrella of the Green Schools Campaign through its own Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, with three Malakoff Project Sunshine schools.
  5. These include : Green School Campaign, Multi-media Language Lab, Chinese Orchestra, Western Orchestra, General Education on Chinese Medicine, Digital Music and Creative Art Workshop, Millennium Multi-media Classrooms, General Education on Chinese Medicine and Resource Centre, Campus TV, to provide a platform for enhancing teaching effectiveness.


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