green scienceの例文


  1. Based on biology, this allergy induces quaking at the Trivial Pursuit table when the dreaded green Science and Nature chip appears.
  2. I am currently working on an article on the company that produces B + G C, National Bio + Green Sciences.
  3. As executive director of the Green Science Policy Institute, Blum and her team have led several successful national and international campaigns against the use of toxic chemicals, particularly halogenated flame retardants.
  4. In 2007 Blum co-founded the Green Science Policy Institute ( GSP ) with the goal of bringing scientific research results into policy decisions to protect human health and the environment from toxic chemicals.


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  11. "green schools bara"の例文
  12. "green schools campaign"の例文
  13. "green science and technology"の例文
  14. "green scouting"の例文

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