

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Eventually, Robin must help find the missing magic circlets of Halidom.
  2. Apparently a halidom for female goddesses throughout the Neolithic and Celtic periods, its plateau bore a temple during Roman times when the municipium of Flavia Solva flourished.
  3. Awakening one day to discover that all the natives of Halidom are strangely languid, Fess learns that the second ( and last remaining ) circlet has been stolen.
  4. It was on the halidom of him'who sleeps beneath the grey stone of Inchcailloch'that members of this vigorous clan used to take their oaths ."
  5. He assisted against the Stratovanians in " Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz ", Terp the Terrible in " The Hidden Valley of Oz ", and accompanied Dorothy and Prince Gules of Halidom in " Merry Go Round in Oz ".


  1. "halide minerals"の例文
  2. "halide nusret zorlutuna"の例文
  3. "halide salt"の例文
  4. "halides"の例文
  5. "halidi"の例文
  6. "halidome"の例文
  7. "halidoms"の例文
  8. "halidon"の例文
  9. "halidon hill"の例文
  10. "halidor"の例文
  11. "halides"の例文
  12. "halidi"の例文
  13. "halidome"の例文
  14. "halidoms"の例文

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