health care costの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Already, employees are shouldering more of their health care costs.
  2. It takes no account of regional differences in health care costs.
  3. By the mid-1990s, health care costs had plummeted.
  4. That may be the best health care cost control you have.
  5. The economy is sluggish, and health care costs are climbing.


  1. "health care compact"の例文
  2. "health care compared"の例文
  3. "health care complaints commission"の例文
  4. "health care compliance association"の例文
  5. "health care cooperative"の例文
  6. "health care costs"の例文
  7. "health care data"の例文
  8. "health care deliveries"の例文
  9. "health care delivery"の例文
  10. "health care delivery system"の例文
  11. "health care compliance association"の例文
  12. "health care cooperative"の例文
  13. "health care costs"の例文
  14. "health care data"の例文

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