herd catsの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. Television cowboys herd cats during a Super Bowl commercial break.
  2. I always say, organizing atheists is like trying to herd cats.
  3. That is not unlike trying to herd cats.
  4. Clark's job was to herd cats.
  5. Trying to get others to agree to policy changes feels like trying to herd cats.


  1. "herd bison"の例文
  2. "herd boar"の例文
  3. "herd book"の例文
  4. "herd boy"の例文
  5. "herd bull"の例文
  6. "herd dog"の例文
  7. "herd effect"の例文
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  9. "herd immunity"の例文
  10. "herd infection"の例文
  11. "herd boy"の例文
  12. "herd bull"の例文
  13. "herd dog"の例文
  14. "herd effect"の例文

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