herd dogの例文


  1. She worried about the herd dogs.
  2. The cows graze on grassland, while modern-day cowboys use herd dogs and " cracker " whips to guide them.
  3. When Hoggett takes to teaching the pig the proper methods of sheepherding, his new-found attention raises the ire of his champion herd dog as well as the suspicion of his wife.
  4. The common belief is that the English brought over Bulldogs and crossed them with the local guard / hunting / herd dog which could have been a mix of Alano, Ca de Bestiar and Iberian Mastiff.
  5. Mastiffs, Alanos and big herd dogs would have found their way to the island through trade and aristocrats settling down and bringing their dogs ( Alanos in the 14th century were commonly used in hunting for boar and other wild animals, highly respected by aristocrats ).


  1. "herd boar"の例文
  2. "herd book"の例文
  3. "herd boy"の例文
  4. "herd bull"の例文
  5. "herd cats"の例文
  6. "herd effect"の例文
  7. "herd fish"の例文
  8. "herd immunity"の例文
  9. "herd infection"の例文
  10. "herd instinct"の例文
  11. "herd bull"の例文
  12. "herd cats"の例文
  13. "herd effect"の例文
  14. "herd fish"の例文

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