herd effectの例文


  1. Testing Hamilton's selfish herd effect, Alta De Vos and Justin O'Rainn ( 2010 ) studied brown fur seal predation from great white sharks.
  2. Bad news, such as Asian turmoil, triggers the herd effect, where speculators flee based only on their expectations of other investors also running, even though a country is economically sound.
  3. Villiger also said he regretted " unjust " sanctions imposed by some U . S . states against Swiss banks in recent weeks and spoke of a " herd effect ".
  4. The other subtle concern raised by those in the know is that CalPERS may be coming into the sector late, after a remarkable run-up that has created something of a herd effect for biotech investments.
  5. "If you get a large public redemption, there is the herd effect where it could impact other institutional clients who may be on the edge to also redeem, " he said . " We have no information yet ."


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  9. "herd instinct"の例文
  10. "herd into"の例文
  11. "herd cats"の例文
  12. "herd dog"の例文
  13. "herd fish"の例文
  14. "herd immunity"の例文

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