history and allied subjectsの例文
subjects allied to medicine
The building also hosts the Biomedical Teaching Organisation, where subjects allied to medicine ( such as physiology and forensic science ) are taught to senior biology students and to med......
journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences
In an article for a 1971 issue of the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Murray wrote: He was a visiting historical scholar at the National Library of Medicine and a m......
academic subjects
This curriculum includes lower secondary, secondary and higher secondary school academic subjects. As a result, the academic subjects are only taught in the morning. The Main, Vocational, ......
action between subjects
Action between subjects
activity subjects
The government has launched a sustained campaign against illegal foreign exchange trading and currency counterfeiting, making many such activities subject to criminal laws. Also, team doct......
alien subjects
He can already detain aliens subject to deportation on terrorist grounds. Those who fail to register will be considered illegal aliens subject to deportation. The Rani is ruling the planet......
anatomical subjects
He contributed six papers on anatomical subjects to " Philosophical Transactions ". Where Leonardo conveys the humanity of his anatomical subjects, Alberti's focus is pure form. He also di......
animal subjects
A number of experiments have reproduced this effect in animal subjects. In his early work on animal subjects, Sperry made many noteworthy discoveries. First, using an unnecessarily large n......
arrangement of subjects
Is that a logical arrangement of subject matter to you? Unit planning is a systematic arrangement of subject matter. According to Houbraken he was particularly good at inventive arrangemen......
bad subjects
He has also contributed essays to the websites Bad Subjects and Berfrois. In 1998, " Bad Subjects " was identified as a celebrated cultural studies magazine on the Internet. The stated goa......
british subjects
We thought a commoner was a British subject without a title. This appeased the Canadien British subjects but angered the Thirteen Colonies. He later became a British subject and was awarde......
british subjects act
The couple moved to an island on Lake Victoria, where they lived from February to June, although were subsequently arrested under the Distressed British Subjects Act; under this, they face......
british subjects without citizenship
They remained British subjects without citizenship. The 1981 Act retained the category of British subject without citizenship as " British subject ". Until they acquired one or other of th......
commercial subjects
The curriculum expanded into industrial and commercial subjects in many schools. The existing commercial subjects would remain centred on no 309 Regent Street. He studied accountancy and o......
compulsory subjects
In 2016 it was made a compulsory subject in all Kenyan schools. Compulsory subjects for this course are Mathematics, English and a second language. Arabic is a compulsory subject, and is a......
core subjects
The Swanbourne classes are divided into sets for the core subjects. The school has English, French and Spanish as core subjects. FIS has been known for its excellence in these core subject......
culture subjects
He took part with personal reports to several and international conferences on Jewish culture subjects. pop-culture subject, the publisher had been persuaded that ` Deeper'would be a popul......
different subjects
Esperanto speakers are divided by different subjects they are interested in. A different subject for both of these awards is announced annually. Different subjects are touched upon on " Mi......
different types of subjects
Beh-nam also solely commented on articles related to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajiks, South Asia while LouisAragon / 94 edited on many, many different type of subjects and articles as well s......
discuss a variety of subjects
Hurt seems happy to discuss a variety of subjects, like the state of movie making ( " Billions of dollars are wasted on these adolescent morality tales. Johnson and Parcells, whose contrac......
history and art history
RRCHNM is part of the Department of History and Art History. Xie's main interest is in cultural history and art history. After studying philosophy, literature, history and art history in F......
history of history
Prof . Hunt teaches French and European history and the history of history as an academic discipline. His voice was filled with excitement, just as you'd expect from someone propounding on......
history of history as an academic discipline
Prof . Hunt teaches French and European history and the history of history as an academic discipline.
museum of banking history in the sumy oblast and the history of ukrainian money
The "'Museum of Banking history in the Sumy oblast and the History of Ukrainian Money "'( ) located at the State higher educational institution " Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the Nation......
society for the history of natural history
Kinnear was one of the founders of the Society for the History of Natural History. In 1993 he was elected President of the Society for the History of Natural History. Ramsbottom was Presid......