

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5
  1. During this period he reportedly quarreled with his staff officer, Anton von Hohberg und Buchwald.
  2. The college was founded in 1969 by Tonian Hohberg, who is its president and CEO.
  3. During the Night of the Long Knives, von dem Bach gave the order to kill Hohberg.
  4. All defendants were charged on all counts of the indictment, except Hohberg, who was not charged on count 4.
  5. Hohberg Castle, on the northern slope of the Belpberg, was the ancestral seat of the Freiherren of Belp-Montenach.


  1. "hohai university"の例文
  2. "hohaiyan rock festival"の例文
  3. "hoham"の例文
  4. "hohan soken"の例文
  5. "hohannes"の例文
  6. "hohberghorn"の例文
  7. "hohburg"の例文
  8. "hohburg hills"の例文
  9. "hohe"の例文
  10. "hohe acht"の例文
  11. "hohan soken"の例文
  12. "hohannes"の例文
  13. "hohberghorn"の例文
  14. "hohburg"の例文

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