

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. The rebuilding was completed in 1488, thanks to funding by citizen Viktorin Holas.
  2. The Cougars are coached by Kyla Holas.
  3. Following Holas'death, Eng.
  4. FIRMS BUY NEWHALL LAND ( For use by NYTimes HOLAS GRUDIN c . 2003 Los Angeles Daily News
  5. Sultan Mohammad Khan and Sadar Khan fled the battlefield and entrenched themselves in a fort that Holas Rai successfully besieged and captured.


  1. "holargos"の例文
  2. "holarrhena"の例文
  3. "holarrhena antidysenterica"の例文
  4. "holarrhena floribunda"の例文
  5. "holarrhenas"の例文
  6. "holasek"の例文
  7. "holasoygerman"の例文
  8. "holaspid"の例文
  9. "holaspis"の例文
  10. "holat"の例文
  11. "holarrhena floribunda"の例文
  12. "holarrhenas"の例文
  13. "holasek"の例文
  14. "holasoygerman"の例文

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