

  1. In 1909, an Englishman, T . H . Huffton, founded Peninsular Film Services in Madras and produced some short films for local audiences.
  2. One night during the war game, Lt . Col . Kurt Fuller leads his battalion in an assault on the small, enemy-held town of Huffton, within the sprawling Fort Polk complex.


  1. "huffs"の例文
  2. "huffs and puffs"の例文
  3. "huffstetter"の例文
  4. "huffstutler"の例文
  5. "hufft"の例文
  6. "huffy"の例文
  7. "huffy bicycle"の例文
  8. "huffy bicycles"の例文
  9. "huffy bikes"の例文
  10. "huffy corporation"の例文
  11. "huffstutler"の例文
  12. "hufft"の例文
  13. "huffy"の例文
  14. "huffy bicycle"の例文

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