

  1. The Hydralisk has regained its speed boost upgrade from " Brood War ".
  2. The first series of action figures was released by ToyCom in 2003 and included the Terran heavy infantry firebat with markings similar to some original " StarCraft " concept art for the firebat and a hydralisk, the Zerg medium assault warrior strain.
  3. After a species has been assimilated into the Swarm, it is mutated towards a different function within its hierarchy, from being a hive worker to a warrior strain . " StarCraft "'s manual notes that some species bear little resemblance to their original forms after just a short time into assimilation ( An example would be the formerly peaceful Slothien species, which was assimilated and mutated into the vicious Hydralisk strain and so on ).


  1. "hydralazine"の例文
  2. "hydralazines"の例文
  3. "hydralic"の例文
  4. "hydralics"の例文
  5. "hydralike"の例文
  6. "hydralmosaurus"の例文
  7. "hydralmosaurus serpentinus"の例文
  8. "hydram"の例文
  9. "hydramacin"の例文
  10. "hydramatic"の例文
  11. "hydralics"の例文
  12. "hydralike"の例文
  13. "hydralmosaurus"の例文
  14. "hydralmosaurus serpentinus"の例文

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