

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. The oldest known pills were made of the zinc carbonates hydrozincite and smithsonite.
  2. It commonly occurs in association with hemimorphite, willemite, hydrozincite, cerussite, malachite, azurite, aurichalcite and anglesite.
  3. It occurs with mooreite, willemite, fluorite, hydrozincite, pyrochroite, zincite and rhodochrosite at Sterling Hill, New Jersey.
  4. It is a rare secondary mineral formed by weathering of zinc-bearing slag, and is associated with native zinc, hydrocerussite, diaboleite, zincite and hydrozincite.
  5. Many minerals such as aurichalcite, bronchanite, caledonite, cerussite, hemimorphite, hydrozincite, linarite, native silver, rozenite, and zincsilite have been found at the location.


  1. "hydroxyzine hydrochloride"の例文
  2. "hydroxyzine hydrochlorides"の例文
  3. "hydroxyzines"の例文
  4. "hydrozagadka"の例文
  5. "hydrozide"の例文
  6. "hydrozirconation"の例文
  7. "hydrozoa"の例文
  8. "hydrozoan"の例文
  9. "hydrozoan medusae"の例文
  10. "hydrozoans"の例文
  11. "hydrozagadka"の例文
  12. "hydrozide"の例文
  13. "hydrozirconation"の例文
  14. "hydrozoa"の例文

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