

  1. On becoming hyperaccelerated, Spock quickly locates Kirk and helps to subdue the guards.
  2. In trying to launch bold new ideas in a hyperaccelerated time frame, they gain a deep appreciation of the need to set priorities, evaluate probabilities and measure results.
  3. Kirk refuses, and he is taken under guard to the other Scalosians, as well as finding that Compton is still alive, having also been hyperaccelerated, and willfully working with the Scalosians.


  1. "hyperabrupt junction varactor"の例文
  2. "hyperabstraction"の例文
  3. "hyperabundance"の例文
  4. "hyperabundant"の例文
  5. "hyperacanthus"の例文
  6. "hyperaccess"の例文
  7. "hyperaccumulate"の例文
  8. "hyperaccumulated"の例文
  9. "hyperaccumulating"の例文
  10. "hyperaccumulation"の例文
  11. "hyperabundant"の例文
  12. "hyperacanthus"の例文
  13. "hyperaccess"の例文
  14. "hyperaccumulate"の例文

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