

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. The firm's first software product was HyperACCESS, which was initially designed to enable Heath 8-bit computers to communicate over a modem.
  2. "' Hilgraeve "'is a software firm based in Monroe, Michigan, and is best known for its HyperTerminal Private Edition and HyperACCESS programs.
  3. Hyperaccess for Windows 95 and NT is $ 129 and can be ordered from Hilgraeve by calling ( 800 ) 826-2760; it should also be widely available.
  4. I installed Hyperaccess from a CD-ROM in a few minutes ( it also comes on diskettes ) without fuss and, as the company suggests, called its own bulletin board.
  5. In 1995, Hilgraeve licensed a low-end version of HyperACCESS, known as "'HyperTerminal "', to Microsoft for use in their set of communications utilities.


  1. "hyperabstraction"の例文
  2. "hyperabundance"の例文
  3. "hyperabundant"の例文
  4. "hyperacanthus"の例文
  5. "hyperaccelerated"の例文
  6. "hyperaccumulate"の例文
  7. "hyperaccumulated"の例文
  8. "hyperaccumulating"の例文
  9. "hyperaccumulation"の例文
  10. "hyperaccumulator"の例文
  11. "hyperacanthus"の例文
  12. "hyperaccelerated"の例文
  13. "hyperaccumulate"の例文
  14. "hyperaccumulated"の例文

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