hyperactive childrenの例文


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  1. He studied, for instance, hyperactive children of parents suffering from psychiatric disorders.
  2. _The impulsive, hyperactive children who often have a lot of moodiness.
  3. Inside, the air was thick and muggy with the perspiration of hyperactive children.
  4. She is seeking federal disability assistance for her hyperactive children.
  5. Webster was getting Ritalin, a stimulant used to treat hyperactive children with learning disorders.


  1. "hyperactivation"の例文
  2. "hyperactive"の例文
  3. "hyperactive agency detection device"の例文
  4. "hyperactive child"の例文
  5. "hyperactive child syndrome"の例文
  6. "hyperactive disorder"の例文
  7. "hyperactive thyroid"の例文
  8. "hyperactively"の例文
  9. "hyperactives"の例文
  10. "hyperactivities"の例文
  11. "hyperactive child"の例文
  12. "hyperactive child syndrome"の例文
  13. "hyperactive disorder"の例文
  14. "hyperactive thyroid"の例文

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