hyperactive disorderの例文


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  1. These studies validate the prescription of stimulants for individuals with hyperactive disorders.
  2. Galtiani said Tyler has attention deficit hyperactive disorder.
  3. For example, stimulants like Ritalin can produce state-dependent memory effects in children with hyperactive disorders.
  4. Because ofR5SCg7Krug use, the Barriers said, Devin suffers from attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and he has nightmares.
  5. Before the murders, Franklin was being treated for attention deficit hyperactive disorder that his doctor said was accompanied by depression.


  1. "hyperactive"の例文
  2. "hyperactive agency detection device"の例文
  3. "hyperactive child"の例文
  4. "hyperactive child syndrome"の例文
  5. "hyperactive children"の例文
  6. "hyperactive thyroid"の例文
  7. "hyperactively"の例文
  8. "hyperactives"の例文
  9. "hyperactivities"の例文
  10. "hyperactivity"の例文
  11. "hyperactive child syndrome"の例文
  12. "hyperactive children"の例文
  13. "hyperactive thyroid"の例文
  14. "hyperactively"の例文

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