hyperactive thyroidの例文


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  1. In 1991, he learned the source of his ill health : a hyperactive thyroid.
  2. Evans worked with Dr . James Howard Means of Harvard Medical School in finding ways to use radioactive iodine to diagnose and treat hyperactive thyroids.
  3. Since the treatment often eventually knocks out the hormone-producing tissue, sooner or later those with hyperactive thyroids will become hypothyroid and need to take replacement hormones.
  4. The 131 I is thus used as direct radioisotope therapy to treat hyperthyroidism due to Graves'disease, and sometimes hyperactive thyroid nodules ( abnormally active thyroid tissue that is not malignant ).
  5. Although the cause of the condition is often never determined, reasons can include a hyperactive thyroid, flu or infection, a heart defect that was present at birth, or overgrowth of the heart muscle.


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  11. "hyperactive children"の例文
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