

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Now he's hyperactively on the trail.
  2. Watching " The Office, " you feel the power of TV's hyperactively happy laugh tracks.
  3. My heart began beating hyperactively, as if there were a child in front of me with math homework.
  4. Boxing promotions are transitory, picking up like the circus and moving on to find more rubes, suckers, and the hyperactively addicted.
  5. Hyperactively jabbering and gesticulating, Robinson moved among his teammates distributing hugs and fist-bumps along with his preferred brand of old-time religion.


  1. "hyperactive child"の例文
  2. "hyperactive child syndrome"の例文
  3. "hyperactive children"の例文
  4. "hyperactive disorder"の例文
  5. "hyperactive thyroid"の例文
  6. "hyperactives"の例文
  7. "hyperactivities"の例文
  8. "hyperactivity"の例文
  9. "hyperactivity disorder"の例文
  10. "hyperactivity of liver-yang"の例文
  11. "hyperactive disorder"の例文
  12. "hyperactive thyroid"の例文
  13. "hyperactives"の例文
  14. "hyperactivities"の例文

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