

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. the fleet patrolled japanese territorial waters unchallenged , and sank the ijn transport ship kinshu-maru on april 25th .
  2. the fleet sailed half way round the globe and confronted the ijn combined fleet between may 27th and may 28th , 1905 in the battle of tsushima .
  3. provoked by the shelling , the lushun fleet set sail on august 10th , and engaged the ijn combined fleet under the command of admiral heihachiro togo in the battle of the yellow sea .
    これを受けて旅順艦隊は旅順から出撃、8月10日、東郷平八郎大将率いる連合艦隊との間で黄海海戦 (日露戦争)となった。
  4. between february and march , the ijn combined fleet attempted to blockade port arthur by sinking older vessels at the entrance of the port , but this plan ended in failure (port arthur blockade operation ).
  5. the vladivostok cruiser fleet prompted vice-admiral kamimura commmanding the ijn second fleet to give chase , in order to resolve the supply issues of the japanese army which was reliant on supplies delivered by transport vessels .
    これを追う日本の上村中将率いる第二艦隊 (日本海軍)を右往左往させ、船舶による補給に頼る日本軍を悩ませた。


  1. "ijf"の例文
  2. "ijit"の例文
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  10. "ijma"の例文
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  13. "ijpc"の例文

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