

  1. Rouhani was deputy speaker of the fourth and fifth terms of the Parliament of Iran ( ijtihadi cleric, and economic trade negotiator.
  2. At least during the time of Ahmad, the position of JI on revolutionary action was that it was not ready to turn to extra-legal action but that its objectives are definite ( " qat'i " ) but its methods are " open to interpretation and adaptation ( " ijtihadi " ) " based on the " exigencies of the moment ".


  1. "ijtehad"の例文
  2. "ijtema"の例文
  3. "ijthad"の例文
  4. "ijtihaad"の例文
  5. "ijtihad"の例文
  6. "ijtihads"の例文
  7. "ijtunnel"の例文
  8. "iju"の例文
  9. "ijub"の例文
  10. "ijui"の例文
  11. "ijtihaad"の例文
  12. "ijtihad"の例文
  13. "ijtihads"の例文
  14. "ijtunnel"の例文

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