

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  1. From Zahedan Gafur Salimov sends volunteers to the IJU training camps near Mir Ali in Pakistan.
  2. He proceeded to an IJU training camp, where he joined the members of the Sauerland cell.
  3. Nearby towns include Ilara, Igbaraoke, Iju, Itaogbolu, Idanre, Owo, Ikere and Ondo.
  4. The government blamed Hizb ut-Tahrir, though the Islamic Jihad Union ( IJU ) claimed responsibility.
  5. Prior to 1954, the source of water for the scheme was from the Iju and Adiyan streams.


  1. "ijtihaad"の例文
  2. "ijtihad"の例文
  3. "ijtihadi"の例文
  4. "ijtihads"の例文
  5. "ijtunnel"の例文
  6. "ijub"の例文
  7. "ijui"の例文
  8. "ijui river"の例文
  9. "ijuin"の例文
  10. "ijuin hikokichi"の例文
  11. "ijtihads"の例文
  12. "ijtunnel"の例文
  13. "ijub"の例文
  14. "ijui"の例文

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