in a natural contextの例文
natural bridge and rockshelter state natural area
The state park was established in 1972, and the following year centered on the arch were given a further level of protection as "'Natural Bridge and Rockshelter State Natural Area " '.

natural law and natural rights
Human security is indebted to the human rights tradition ( the ideas of natural law and natural rights ). Some philosophers, jurists and scholars use natural law synonymously with natural ......

a context clue
Lack of lights could be a context clue. But the university-as-pimp seems a context clue that something has gone drastically wrong. This was a context clue that the most charismatic and con......

a meaningful context
Or does the person have to be famous somewhere in a meaningful context? It would also situate this structure in a meaningful context . talk ) 00 : 18, 6 January 2013 ( UTC) For me, and any......

academic context
The term " anacoluthon " is used primarily within an academic context. In some academic contexts, ahistoricism is the accepted norm. Outside of the academic context, however, the designati......

access context
Other commonly used ways to access context-sensitive help start by clicking a button.

according to context
Method is a term, which has a different meaning according to context. Ameka classifies these two words in different ways according to context. The usage of the term " automatic " may vary ......

active context handle
Active context handle

application context
Mojit Proxy acts as an intermediary between binders and mojit's API ( application context ) block and other mojits. These use models were not really functional at the application context l......

archaeological context
However, Evans'statement applies to an archaeological context. The exact archaeological context in which it was found in is unknown. They are only rarely found in archaeological context. S......

architectural context
A large proportion of its original surroundings still exist, providing an architectural context. A comprehensive treatment of the architectural context in which Notman worked. Will it help......

based on context
Other metacharacters are known to be literal or symbolic based on context alone. Some auto-detect ports can even switch between input and output based on context. Depending where internal ......

bind context
There is no data - binding context for the page Stores a block of parameters in the bind context The object at the top of the data binding context stack Nodes representing assemblies in ea......

biological context
In 1972 Sankoff in a biological context developed a model of genetic divergence of populations. Some theories on the causes of child molestation put the problem in a biological context. Ru......

bounded context
Bounded context language Bounded context grammar

bounded context grammar
Bounded context grammar

bounded context language
Bounded context language

business context
Marjatta Maula adapted the concept of autopoiesis in a business context. "That is useful in a business context, " one Yale Club member said. In the business context, IP is a set of intangi......

calling out of context
Nearly all of the songs included on " Calling Out of Context " had never been previously released in any form. ""'Calling Out of Context " "'is a compilation album of songs written and rec......

clinical context
By extension, the word chaperone is used in clinical contexts. In the clinical context, it is performed when acute appendicitis is suspected. With the clinical context, the radiologist can......

clinical context object workgroup
The acronym CCOW stands for " Clinical Context Object Workgroup ", a reference to the standards committee within the HL7 group that developed the standard. Context management is gaining in......

communal context
The narrative takes her pain and places it in her personal failure and then draws it out in a communal context. And because the experience of music has been individualized and shorn of its......

construct a context
And then he constructs a context diagram showing his vision of the problem context with the Machine installed in it. For each pushdown automaton M one may construct a context-free grammar ......

contemporary context
With them, Israel gives the god a fiercely contemporary context. Piazza " deftly balances scholarship and contemporary context," Therefore, historical events are interpreted consistently i......

In that context, it's like any good business. Considered in that context, his records hardly give him pleasure. And without a larger comic context, they become downright insulting. The mos......