

  1. It arouses no hot passions and it does not divide except when rejected : Jesus, the Word of God, said He came to bring not peace but the sword . [ " The word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart " Heb 4 : 12 . ] Man's resistance to the inbreak of God creates a situation compared to which most revolutions are child's play.


  1. "inbox"の例文
  2. "inbox by gmail"の例文
  3. "inbox zero"の例文
  4. "inboxes"の例文
  5. "inboxtv"の例文
  6. "inbreaking"の例文
  7. "inbreathe"の例文
  8. "inbreathed"の例文
  9. "inbreathing"の例文
  10. "inbred"の例文
  11. "inboxes"の例文
  12. "inboxtv"の例文
  13. "inbreaking"の例文
  14. "inbreathe"の例文

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