

  1. He described ventricular fibrillation as " an incoordinate type of contraction which, despite a high metabolic rate of the myocardium, produces no useful beats.
  2. His description is as follows : " The ventricular muscle is thrown into a state of irregular arrhythmic contraction, whilst there is a great fall in the arterial blood pressure, the ventricles become dilated with blood as the rapid quivering movement of their walls is insufficient to expel their contents; the muscular action partakes of the nature of a rapid incoordinate twitching of the muscular tissue & The cardiac pump is thrown out of gear, and the last of its vital energy is dissipated in the violent and the prolonged turmoil of fruitless activity in the ventricular walls . " MacWilliam spent many years working on ventricular fibrillation and was one of the first to show that ventricular fibrillation could be terminated by a series of induction shocks through the heart.


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  11. "inconvincible"の例文
  12. "incooperative"の例文
  13. "incoordinately"の例文
  14. "incoordination"の例文

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