

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5
  1. Serginho, 30, was examined in February at the renowned Incor Heart Institute.
  2. The consensus rankings were incor-porated into DALYs for each of 107 diseases and 483 disabling outcomes.
  3. Next week, Politically Incor rect With Bill Maher will be in Phoenix taping shows inside Tent City.
  4. The rapid hardening Incor cement was used and was built in sections of to facilitate the dumping of concrete.


  1. "incoordinate"の例文
  2. "incoordinately"の例文
  3. "incoordination"の例文
  4. "incoordinations"の例文
  5. "incopy"の例文
  6. "incore"の例文
  7. "incoronation"の例文
  8. "incoronation of the virgin"の例文
  9. "incoronato"の例文
  10. "incorpor"の例文
  11. "incoordinations"の例文
  12. "incopy"の例文
  13. "incore"の例文
  14. "incoronation"の例文

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