

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Thimble tubes run inside of the incore guide tubes where the residue was found.
  2. UNU / INCORE conducts policy relevant international research on conflict issues around the world.
  3. In the academic year 2005-6 he served as Fulbright Senior Specialist at INCORE.
  4. She had also been associated with INCORE, a joint Ulster University and United Nations University research centre for the study of conflict.
  5. Van Til was named Fulbright Distinguished Professor at the University of Ulster during the Spring term, 2004, serving in the Magee College s INCORE and Centre for Voluntary Action Studies.


  1. "incoordinately"の例文
  2. "incoordination"の例文
  3. "incoordinations"の例文
  4. "incopy"の例文
  5. "incor"の例文
  6. "incoronation"の例文
  7. "incoronation of the virgin"の例文
  8. "incoronato"の例文
  9. "incorpor"の例文
  10. "incorpora"の例文
  11. "incopy"の例文
  12. "incor"の例文
  13. "incoronation"の例文
  14. "incoronation of the virgin"の例文

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