individualized education programの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  1. Both schools offer special education to students with an Individualized Education Program.
  2. Children with exceptionalities depend on related services in their individualized education programs.
  3. The required content of an IEP is further described in the Individualized Education Program article.
  4. A 504 plan is different and less detailed than an Individualized Education Program ( IEPs ).
  5. In the United States, this program is known as an Individualized Education Program ( IEP ).


  1. "individualized"の例文
  2. "individualized communication"の例文
  3. "individualized curriculum"の例文
  4. "individualized education"の例文
  5. "individualized education plan"の例文
  6. "individualized family service plan"の例文
  7. "individualized instruction"の例文
  8. "individualized language"の例文
  9. "individualized learning"の例文
  10. "individualized medicine"の例文
  11. "individualized education"の例文
  12. "individualized education plan"の例文
  13. "individualized family service plan"の例文
  14. "individualized instruction"の例文

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