international accounting standards committeeの例文


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  1. In 2000, Volcker became chairman of the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation.
  2. He also served for International Accounting Standards Committee as a member of the Strategy Working Party during 1997-1999.
  3. The 14 people they select will replace the current International Accounting Standards Committee, which has been dominated by accounting professionals.
  4. The figures were reported according to the rules of the International Accounting Standards Committee, Bayer said . ( gb-pfg)
  5. The IASB was founded on April 1, 2001, as the successor to the International Accounting Standards Committee ( IASC ).


  1. "international accounting standard board"の例文
  2. "international accounting standard committee"の例文
  3. "international accounting standards"の例文
  4. "international accounting standards (ias)"の例文
  5. "international accounting standards board"の例文
  6. "international accounting standards(ias)"の例文
  7. "international accreditation forum"の例文
  8. "international accreditation new zealand"の例文
  9. "international accreditation organization"の例文
  10. "international accrediting commission"の例文
  11. "international accounting standards (ias)"の例文
  12. "international accounting standards board"の例文
  13. "international accounting standards(ias)"の例文
  14. "international accreditation forum"の例文

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