international accreditation new zealandの例文


  1. City councillors found out earlier in June through the media that International Accreditation New Zealand ( IANZ ) had written to council and threatened to withdraw accreditation, with Marryatt replying that mayor " third term as mayor.
  2. In early July 2013, CEO Tony Marryatt was put on indefinite leave on full pay over the council losing its accreditation with International Accreditation New Zealand ( IANZ ) to issue building consents, one of council's core functions.
  3. After a troublesome period starting in mid-June, Christchurch City Council lost its accreditation with International Accreditation New Zealand ( IANZ ) for issuing building consents, and council's CEO, Tony Marryatt, was placed on indefinite leave on 3 July.


  1. "international accounting standards (ias)"の例文
  2. "international accounting standards board"の例文
  3. "international accounting standards committee"の例文
  4. "international accounting standards(ias)"の例文
  5. "international accreditation forum"の例文
  6. "international accreditation organization"の例文
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  9. "international acm sigaccess conference on computers and accessibility"の例文
  10. "international acquisition"の例文
  11. "international accounting standards(ias)"の例文
  12. "international accreditation forum"の例文
  13. "international accreditation organization"の例文
  14. "international accrediting commission"の例文

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