irrigation water useの例文


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  1. Such data indicate great differences in irrigation water use within various agricultural sectors.
  2. Water abstractions for irrigation are calculated by dividing consumptive use by a country-specific irrigation water use efficiency.
  3. The Farmers of these surrounding villages paid 1 / 4th of their agricultural produce to Nawab M . Sarfaraz Khan in lieu of irrigation water used from this canal.
  4. Time series of monthly values of irrigation water use are computed, while all other uses are assumed to be constant throughout the year and to only vary from year to year.
  5. Together, these figures indicate that most production of grain used for US livestock and poultry feed does not deplete water resources and that irrigated production of grain for livestock feed accounts for a small fraction of US irrigation water use.


  1. "irrigation water quality"の例文
  2. "irrigation water quality standard"の例文
  3. "irrigation water requirement"の例文
  4. "irrigation water source"の例文
  5. "irrigation water supply"の例文
  6. "irrigation way"の例文
  7. "irrigation weir"の例文
  8. "irrigation well"の例文
  9. "irrigation with saline water"の例文
  10. "irrigation with sewage"の例文
  11. "irrigation water source"の例文
  12. "irrigation water supply"の例文
  13. "irrigation way"の例文
  14. "irrigation weir"の例文

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