

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  1. He was also subjected to COINTELPRO's bad-jacketing technique.
  2. Intrusive and unrealistic conditions on aid are still straight-jacketing developing countries.
  3. If adhesion is not desired / necessary, jacketing tooling is used instead.
  4. The original jacketing was found to be detrimental to firearm performance over time.
  5. The jacketing almost certainly contains asbestos, and to remove that will be expensive.


  1. "jacketed piping"の例文
  2. "jacketed round"の例文
  3. "jacketed still"の例文
  4. "jacketed vessel"の例文
  5. "jacketed vessels"の例文
  6. "jacketless"の例文
  7. "jackets"の例文
  8. "jackets and coats"の例文
  9. "jackets green"の例文
  10. "jackett"の例文
  11. "jacketed vessel"の例文
  12. "jacketed vessels"の例文
  13. "jacketless"の例文
  14. "jackets"の例文

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