journey through the nightの例文


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  1. Under his original title, " Journey Through the Night, " it was published in June by the Continuum International Publishing Group of New York and London.
  2. Sia appeared standing on the Solar barge during its journey through the night in New Kingdom underworld texts and tomb decorations, together with Heka, the god of magic.
  3. Through propulsive rhythms and melodies, the album reflects an onlooker s journey through the night that changed Tulsa s landscape and nearly destroyed the country s most thriving black community.
  4. He also wrote " Journey Through the Night ", a children's book about World War II published in four volumes ( first in 1951, last in 1958 ).
  5. Two of them were featured in the New York Times'" Best Illustrated Children's Books of the Year " : " Mr . Miller the Dog " ( 1980 ) and " The Marvelous Journey through the Night " ( 1991 ).


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