jump to conclusionsの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. well , i don't see any reason to jump to conclusions .
  2. yeah , which is exactly why we don't jump to conclusions .
  3. well , let's not jump to conclusions . what ?
    "結論を急ぐな" "なんだと?"
  4. and jump to conclusions very , very fast .
    素早く結論を 出すことができます
  5. walter , don't jump to conclusions . we don't know that for sure .
    先走っちゃダメ まだ分からないわ


  1. "jump to a rash conclusion"の例文
  2. "jump to a related link"の例文
  3. "jump to a specified place"の例文
  4. "jump to another wavelength"の例文
  5. "jump to attention"の例文
  6. "jump to death"の例文
  7. "jump to hasty conclusions"の例文
  8. "jump to it"の例文
  9. "jump to one side"の例文
  10. "jump to another wavelength"の例文
  11. "jump to attention"の例文
  12. "jump to death"の例文
  13. "jump to hasty conclusions"の例文

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