

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The United States had 39 shots on Slovakia's Jan Lasak.
  2. Goaltender Jan Lasak saved 13 shots and was rewarded with a shutout.
  3. But Jan Lasak made an outstanding pad save for Slovakia.
  4. The puck bounced off him and into the net behind goalie Jan Lasak.
  5. Nashville also recalled goaltender Jan Lasak from Milwaukee of the AHL on Sunday.


  1. "lasagne verdi"の例文
  2. "lasagnes"の例文
  3. "lasagnette"の例文
  4. "lasagni"の例文
  5. "lasagnia"の例文
  6. "lasakau sea warriors"の例文
  7. "lasaki"の例文
  8. "lasal mountains"の例文
  9. "lasala"の例文
  10. "lasalgaon"の例文
  11. "lasagni"の例文
  12. "lasagnia"の例文
  13. "lasakau sea warriors"の例文
  14. "lasaki"の例文

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