

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Lascaris had been shot in the head, Stromberg said.
  2. Qawra Tower was built by Grand Master Lascaris in 1638.
  3. It was completed in 1637 as the second of the Lascaris towers.
  4. It was completed in 1638 as the fourth of the Lascaris towers.
  5. Maria Laskarina was a daughter of Theodore I Lascaris and Anna Angelina.


  1. "lascar war memorial"の例文
  2. "lascara"の例文
  3. "lascari"の例文
  4. "lascarin"の例文
  5. "lascarins"の例文
  6. "lascaris battery"の例文
  7. "lascaris di ventimiglia"の例文
  8. "lascaris towers"の例文
  9. "lascaris war rooms"の例文
  10. "lascars"の例文
  11. "lascarin"の例文
  12. "lascarins"の例文
  13. "lascaris battery"の例文
  14. "lascaris di ventimiglia"の例文

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