lateral vibration analysisの例文
lateral vibration
On its opening day the bridge exhibited alarmingly large lateral vibrations. Both axial and lateral vibration was present in all cases. Unexpected lateral vibration ( resonant structural r......

random vibration analysis
Random vibration analysis of stochastic antenna structures under wind excitation The probability density evolution method for compound random vibration analysis of stochastic structures An......

structural vibration analysis
"' Operating deflection shape "'( ODS ), is a term often used in the structural vibration analysis, known as ODS analysis.

vibration analysis
It uses coherent light or strain measurement, and vibration analysis. This case is called underdamping, which is important in vibration analysis. I believe vibration analysis was one of th......

analysis analysis
Evaluation of colposcopic technology in diagnosis of cervical cancer analysis analysis of 200 cases The research of economic information analysis analyses its development in three aspects ......

be analysis break-even analysis
Be analysis break - even analysis

abnormal vibration
The figure just shows the second mode, but there are higher shimmy ( abnormal vibration ) modes. AIBN investigations showed the aircraft to have been subject to abnormal vibrations in t......

absorption of vibration
The results show good effect of semi - active car suspension with mr damper and verify feasibility and advantage of mr damper in car suspension control and in the mean time provide a good ......

acoustic lattice vibration
Acoustic lattice vibration

acoustic vibration
The therapeutic ultrasound apparatus generates a high-frequency alternating current, which is then converted into acoustic vibrations. Several methods have been employed to help reduce bot......

acoustical vibration
Acoustical vibrations are far more common than mechanical vibrations. Longer wavelength ( low frequency ) phonons are exactly those acoustical vibrations which are considered in the theory......

active vibration
An active vibration system ensures comfortable flight and acoustic levels are well below certification requirements. Active vibration isolation involves sensors and actuators that produce ......

active vibration control
The " D " model is powered by Pratt & Whitney Canada PW210S engines driving composite rotors and incorporates active vibration control. Active vibration control is now also commercially av......

active vibration isolation
Active vibration isolation involves sensors and actuators that produce destructive interference that cancels-out incoming vibration. This interferometer was successfully upgraded in 2004 w......

aeolian vibration
This impact damping is sufficient to keep any Aeolian vibration to a low level. Splice failures can also be due to Aeolian vibration damage as the small vibrations of the conductor over ti......

aeroelastic vibration
On 9 August 1956, the prototype G . 91 conducted its maiden flight at the aeroelastic vibrations, leading to a series of investigative flights to resolve this condition. After the loss of ......

after vibration
Density after vibration After vibration , respiratory rate , weight - loss rate and acidity were higher than those of the motionless ones Finally , avirulent and virulent plant , bacteria ......

against vibration
The clean room must also be damped against vibration and kept within narrow bands of temperature and humidity. There were minor differences in how the periscopes were braced against vibrat......

air vibration
Would a vibratiing peice of metal causing air vibrations and levitating something be called acoustic levitation? These interplanetary plasma vibrations can be transformed into sound waves ......

airborne vibration
Although some species can conceal or mask their movements, substrate-borne vibrations are generally more difficult to avoid producing than airborne vibrations. Brown, of Western Ontario Un......

ambient vibration
Ambient Vibrations measurement ( also called Microtremor ) has become a popular method for determining the dynamic properties of soil strata and is being extensively used for microzonation......

amplitude of vibration
If forced frequency is equal to the natural frequency, the amplitude of vibration increases manyfold. The basic tool for the measurement of the mean-square amplitude of vibrations is X-ray......

amplitude vibration
At these frequencies, even relatively small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude vibrations, because the system stores energy. Negative-stiffness systems can be made with lo......

angular vibration
"' Torsional vibration "'is angular vibration of an object commonly a shaft along its axis of rotation.

anharmonic vibration
At the higher end of possible heat capacities, heat capacity may exceed " R " by modest amounts, due to contributions from anharmonic vibrations in solids, and sometimes a modest contribut......