

  1. "This will enhance multi-lateralism, " he said.
  2. For example, the ICG criticised the Iraq Study Group for not having stressed the centrality of multi-lateralism in processes attempting to address the situation in Iraq.
  3. Sri Lanka's Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar told reporters that, " We are for the reforms of the U . N . system, multi-lateralism should be restored.
  4. And he stressed : " There is, on the one side, strong political support for the charter of the United Nations, for multi-lateralism, and for the comprehensive approach outlined in the charter.
  5. But the spirit of " multi-lateralism " took a big hit in Somalia, when 18 elite American soldiers were killed in an attack on the stronghold of warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid in October 1993.


  1. "lateraling"の例文
  2. "lateralis"の例文
  3. "lateralisation"の例文
  4. "lateralisations"の例文
  5. "lateralised"の例文
  6. "lateralities"の例文
  7. "laterality"の例文
  8. "laterality theory"の例文
  9. "lateralization"の例文
  10. "lateralization of brain"の例文
  11. "lateralisations"の例文
  12. "lateralised"の例文
  13. "lateralities"の例文
  14. "laterality"の例文

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