

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  1. This has been called the " laterality-valence hypothesis ".
  2. One sub-set of laterality in animals is limb dominance.
  3. Laterality is the release of airflow at the side of the tongue.
  4. Laterality and motility disturbances in psychopathology : A theoretical perspective.
  5. One study indicates that laterality in this species is strongly related to temperament.


  1. "lateralis"の例文
  2. "lateralisation"の例文
  3. "lateralisations"の例文
  4. "lateralised"の例文
  5. "lateralism"の例文
  6. "laterality"の例文
  7. "laterality theory"の例文
  8. "lateralization"の例文
  9. "lateralization of brain"の例文
  10. "lateralization of brain function"の例文
  11. "lateralised"の例文
  12. "lateralism"の例文
  13. "laterality"の例文
  14. "laterality theory"の例文

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