

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Use a spirit level to determine the levelness of each course.
  2. The young movement advocated temperance or levelness rather than abstinence.
  3. The ultimate way of determining the source of a buzz and detuning problem is to measure the levelness of the frets.
  4. Kidder describes a carpenter's surveying instrument as " a tool for imposing levelness on an irregular world ."
  5. Do this and your levelness will be as though measured with the line, your transformations will be a form of compliance.


  1. "levelling valve"の例文
  2. "levelling with"の例文
  3. "levellings"の例文
  4. "levelly"の例文
  5. "levelmeter"の例文
  6. "levelock"の例文
  7. "levelord"の例文
  8. "levels"の例文
  9. "levels 1 and 2"の例文
  10. "levels and degrees of light"の例文
  11. "levelly"の例文
  12. "levelmeter"の例文
  13. "levelock"の例文
  14. "levelord"の例文

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