

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. It was, however, in sacramental theology, liturgiology, and notably ecclesiastical music that Gerbert was mainly interested.
  2. Among the parts published are sections on agriculture, liturgiology, tactics, and medicine ( including veterinary practise ) ."
  3. Since the introduction of a graduate programme in church music at the Academy in 1983, he has also taught within the fields of liturgiology and hymnody.
  4. He wrote on " classical literature, medieval and modern Latin . . . Coptic, hagiography and liturgiology, palaeography and bibliography, Spain, Portugal, Madeira, wine and food ".
  5. Neale considered that the Ambrosian Rite was a Romanized form of this Hispano-Gallican-or Ephesine Rite; he never brought much evidence for this view, being generally contented with stating it and giving a certain number of not very convincing comparisons with the Mozarabic Rite ( Essays on Liturgiology, ed . 1867, 171-197 ).


  1. "liturgie"の例文
  2. "liturgies"の例文
  3. "liturgiologies"の例文
  4. "liturgiologist"の例文
  5. "liturgiologists"の例文
  6. "liturgique"の例文
  7. "liturgiques"の例文
  8. "liturgist"の例文
  9. "liturgists"の例文
  10. "liturgize"の例文
  11. "liturgiologist"の例文
  12. "liturgiologists"の例文
  13. "liturgique"の例文
  14. "liturgiques"の例文

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