lobe regionの例文


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  1. This patient was found, using MRIs, to have cortical atrophy in the left superior temporal lobe region.
  2. The right lateral frontal lobe region was also found to be associated with left-sided visual neglect in an investigation carried out by Husain & Kennard.
  3. Other studies using fMRI ( functional magnetic resonance imaging ) scanners have shown that when change is not consciously detected, there was a significant decrease in the dorsolateral prefrontal and parietal lobe regions.
  4. This cross-activation may arise due to a failure of the normal insula in the depths of the lateral sulcus involved in taste processing that lie adjacent to temporal lobe regions involved in auditory processing.
  5. Glucose, along with serotonin, have been found to have significant effects within the cingulate cortex, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, and parietal lobe regions of the brain, including in those with anorexia.


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  11. "lobe pattern"の例文
  12. "lobe pump"の例文
  13. "lobe shaping"の例文
  14. "lobe structure"の例文

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