local electric fieldの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. The points acquire dipole moments in response to the local electric field.
  2. Thus, if the local electric field is parallel to the ambient electric field, we have:
  3. The signal changes produce a corresponding change in the local electric field surrounding the point being probed.
  4. A local electric field of approximately 100 kV / m is required to induce a discharge in air.
  5. In the Rensselaer sensor, the tips of the many nanotubes " amplify the local electric field by many orders of magnitude,"


  1. "local electoral area"の例文
  2. "local electoral areas"の例文
  3. "local electoral commission"の例文
  4. "local electric field effect"の例文
  5. "local electroneutrality"の例文
  6. "local element"の例文
  7. "local elevation"の例文
  8. "local elevator"の例文
  9. "local electoral areas"の例文
  10. "local electoral commission"の例文
  11. "local electric field effect"の例文
  12. "local electroneutrality"の例文

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