magnesia brickの例文


  1. By developing a basic refractory material adapted to the matte refining process ( in magnesia bricks ), Peirce and his engineer Smith found a way to drastically increase the lifetime of the lining.
  2. By developing a basic refractory material adapted to the matte refining process ( in magnesia bricks ), Cappelen Smith and William H . Peirce found a way to drastically increase the lifetime of the lining.


  1. "magnesia ad maeandrum"の例文
  2. "magnesia ad sipylum"の例文
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  9. "magnesia division"の例文
  10. "magnesia litera"の例文
  11. "magnesia anastomosis tube"の例文
  12. "magnesia based"の例文
  13. "magnesia carbon brick"の例文
  14. "magnesia cement"の例文

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